Du lundi au samedi : 11h - 20h
Dimanche : 10h - 19h
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 Your go-to guide to a better life, starting with the way you think
 Join 6 million readers around the world who have capitalised on the power of now
 First published in 1959, David J Schwartz's classic teachings are as powerful today as they were then. Practical, empowering and hugely engaging, this book shows that the key to success is the way you think. Not only will this timeless classic inspire you, it will give you the tools to change your life for the better - starting right now.
 Schwartz's step-by-step approach will show you how to-
 - Defeat disbelief and the negative power it creates
 - Make your mind produce positive thoughts
 - Plan a concrete success-building programme
 - Do more and do it better by turning on your creative power
 - Capitalise on the power of NOW
 Updated for the 21st century, The Magic of Thinking Bigwill guide you to high achievement in every area of your life.

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