Du lundi au samedi : 11h - 20h
Dimanche : 10h - 19h
Fermé le jeudi


*** THE INCREDIBLE No. 1 New York Times BESTSELLER *** Make your bed to change the world... 'What starts here changes the world' was the university slogan that inspired William H. McRaven to take charge of the small things that could change his life . . . and even the world. Here McRaven shares the 10 life-changing principles he learned during his 37 years as a Navy SEAL. These 10 philosophies helped him to overcome challenges not only in his career, but also throughout his life. What's more anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves, and the world, for the better . . . Begin each day with a simple task, help one another you through life, respect everyone, know that your life won't be fair and that you will fail often; take risks, step-up when times are tough, face-down the bullies, lift-up the downtrodden and never ever give up. Do these things and we will live in a far better world than the one before it . . . Told with great humility and optimism, this timeless book provides simple and universal wisdom, practical advice, and words of encouragement that will inspire readers to achieve more even in life's darkest moments. If Make Your Bed has equipped you with life-changing wisdom and you want other readers like you to discover this smart, inspiring book, then leave a review below . . . 'Superb, smart, succinct' Forbes 'A book to inspire your children and grandchildren to become everything they can' The Wall Street Journal

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