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Du lundi au samedi : 11h - 20h
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One of the greatest, most radical public thinkers of our time' Arundhati Roy In these incisive interviews, Chomsky addresses the urgent questions of this tumultuous time, speaking to the deterioration of democracy in the United States and rising tensions globally. He examines the crumbling of the social fabric and the fractures of the Biden era, including the halting steps toward a Green New Deal, the illegitimate authority of the Supreme Court, in particular its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the ongoing fallout from COVID-19. Chomsky also untangles the roots of the War in Ukraine, the diplomatic tensions among the United States, China, and Russia, and considers the need for climate action on an international scale. Illegitimate Authority exposes those who wield power in their own self-interest and plots framework for how we can stand together and fight against injustice. 'The West's most prominent critic of US imperialism . . . the closest thing in the English-speaking world to an intellectual superstar' Guardian 'Will there ever again be a public intellectual who commands the attention of so many across the planet?' New Statesman

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